The angry trash talk about 'the liberal media' from the right, and 'stupid Fox News etc.' from the left
Wow LGB, false equivocate much? Calling Fox news "stupid" is nothing like conservatives trash talking the so called "liberal media".
Fox "News" is a propaganda tool that spreads out right false information and offers non stop criticism of the Left while turning a blind eye to most of the problems with Conservative Leaders. Not only that, Fox News is a single organisation with a rather singular goal.
However, the so called "Liberal Media" is literally hundreds of independent media outlets that have no connections to each other. Some are full blown commercial organizations. Others are non-profit. And most of them have strict editorial process' via which they try to screen out as much personal and societal bias as possible.
I find it ironic that you would buy into the false narrative that their are two sides to every story. This simply is NOT true. Sometimes there is an objectively right and wrong position.
When it comes to where we get our news there is a HUGE difference between having an informed opinion vs. just being opinionated. Between understanding the necessary facts and principles at hand vs. just saying the first thing that pops into your head.
People who watch Fox News are the LEAST informed about current events. Not only do they rate below every other major network - they also rate below people who watch no news at all!
Fox News is demonstrably and objectively biased. And "the left wing Media" is just a made up term Republicans use when a fact or story is inconvenient to their cause.